Obesity is not just a matter of being overweight. High levels of fat put excessive strain on bones and organs in the body and risk of causing blockages in blood vessels that can cause disease. In the long run, this condition increases the risk of various chronic complications.
Obesity is a condition where there is excess fat tissue in the body, in other words obesity. This is caused by high calorie intake, especially from fatty food sources and high sugar which is not processed into energy through activities such as sports. When high-calorie food intake is excessive, the body will store the excess calories in the form of fat tissue. However, the condition of obesity is complex, meaning that various factors can trigger obesity ranging from heredity, unhealthy eating patterns, psychological stress, consumption of drugs or suffering from certain diseases, and lifestyles that rarely exercise.
How to determine it is quite simple, namely by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI) with the formula body weight in kilograms divided by height in units of meters squared (BB / TB2). For the Indonesian population the normal weight range is 17.0-23.0 for women and 18.0-25.0 for men. Mild obesity if you get a BMI number ranges from 23.0-27.0 for women and 25.0-27.0 for men. Obesity is said if the BMI is greater than 27.0 for women and men. If left unchecked, over time this disease will cause various complications.
In the medical world, complications are unexpected conditions that arise after certain situations, such as illness, treatment, or medical procedures. This condition complicates the situation that already exists. So complication is a disease that can arise as a result of certain diseases and aggravate the previous condition.
Various Diseases That Can Arise
In general, obesity and obesity complications affect the overall quality of life of a person, even shortening life expectancy. Not a few people who are obese feel social isolation, depression, shame, guilt, to low work performance. One of the many diseases associated with obesity is type 2 diabetes. The relationship between obesity and diabetes lies in insulin resistance, when the body cannot use insulin effectively. As a result, blood sugar levels increase. In addition, people who are obese are more at risk of experiencing various complications as follows:- Hypertension.
- Heart disease.
- Stroke.
- Gallbladder disease.
- Osteoarthritis.
- Chronic low back pain.
- Periodontitis or gum disease.
- Skin disorders such as infection or inflammation of the skin folds.
- High triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol levels
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: fat accumulation in the liver.
- Metabolic syndrome is a combination of hypertension, high sugar levels, high triglycerides, and low HDL cholesterol.
Triggering Respiratory Disorders
Respiratory disorders in obese people, such as sleep apnea. This condition can make breathing stop several times during sleep. This happens because the tissue in the larynx cannot open the airways due to obesity. This condition can trigger several diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, heart disease, arrhythmias, memory or cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, GERD, and the most fatal complications, namely death. In addition, other respiratory disorders due to obesity include obesity hyperventilation syndrome or Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS), which is the body's inability to breathe deeply, causing high carbon dioxide and low oxygen levels in the blood. This situation is caused by overweight that squeezes the chest cavity as well as interference with the brain's control of breathing. Symptoms can be poor sleep quality, often sleepy during the day, depression, headaches, and fatigue.Closely Associated with Cancer
Obesity is associated with various cancers such as endometrial cancer, colon and anal cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, gallbladder cancer, and thyroid cancer. This condition is thought to be motivated by various possibilities below:- People with obesity generally have high insulin levels which can trigger several types of cancer.
- Fat cells produce high levels of estrogen which results in certain types of cancer. These cells also affect tumor growth and the production of the hormone adipokin which stimulates cell growth.
- The risk of cancer can increase because people with obesity experience mild inflammation that is chronic.
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