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Distinctive Signs of Deviant Behavior that Needs Special Attention

Deviant behavior generally associated with behavior that is considered contrary to norms or rules that apply in society. But behind that, it turns out that deviant behavior is a symptom of psychological disorders that can lead to social and physical disability, if not handled properly. Although sometimes it can be considered normal in certain cultures, deviant behavior must be watched out and dealt with seriously. A person who commits a behavior disorder may suffer from one or several types of psychological disorders, including mood disorders, anxiety, cognitive, developmental, and adjustment.

Distinctive Distinctive Signs to Watch Out for

To determine whether an action is deviant behavior, psychologists and psychiatrists will usually examine the presence of four typical signs of abnormality that are commonly found in deviant behavior, namely: Deviance or deviation. Behavior that is considered not in accordance with the norms or culture prevailing in the community in an area can be said to be abnormal or deviant behavior. For example speaking alone, which in modern society is considered abnormal. But in some people who still have a magical mindset, this behavior is considered to have high spiritual value, and not deviant behavior. While in psychology, self-talk can be one of the symptoms of perception disorders, for example in schizophrenia, or in dissociative personality disorders. Distress or interference. An unusual or unusual action, such as cycling around the world, cannot be said to be a deviant behavior because it does not cause disturbance, either to others or to the offender. As long as an unusual behavior does not cause interference, then the behavior is more accurately considered as an eccentric behavior. Dysfunction or inability to carry out daily activities. When someone mourns, the tendency to withdraw from the environment for some time is something that is natural. But this is not the case in people with depression, withdrawal behavior from the routine and from the people around it takes place on an ongoing basis. And such behavior can be said to cause dysfunction in daily life. Danger or behavior that endangers him and those around him, such as suicide attempts or harming others. Suicidal intentions or attempts are severe symptoms of a psychiatric disorder that requires thorough medical and psychological treatment. Responding to someone's behavior does have a high element of subjectivity, often even causing controversy to debate because some people may find it difficult to determine whether a person's behavior is deviated or not. But the point is, medically the behavior is considered to be distorted and needs to be treated if accompanied by psychological disorders that have disrupted its functions in daily life, as well as endangering itself or others, such as attempts to commit suicide, or withdrawing and refusing to eat and drink . Keep in mind, someone who is drunk can deviate behavior but that does not mean he has a psychological disorder. Deviant behavior that needs serious attention is if the behavior or symptoms are related to the signs above. As for some psychological disorders or diseases that have symptoms and signs of these behavioral deviations, including depression, bipolar disorder, OCD and some types of severe phobias. Some typical symptoms that are commonly experienced by sufferers, namely feelings of excessive worry, changes in mood, always feeling anxious to physical symptoms that are quite common such as dizziness and nausea. Other psychological disorders that are commonly encountered and associated with deviant behavior, including:
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Bulimia
  • Dispareunia
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Insomnia
If not handled properly, deviant behavior can also cause social and physical disabilities that affect the quality of life of sufferers. Three basic types of therapy that are generally used to treat this condition include cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, and medication. Not infrequently also these three therapies are combined with each other or only combine two types of therapy. The doctor will adjust the therapy for psychological disorders with the type of disorder and the health condition of the sufferer.


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