Cysts are abnormal fluid sacs that can form in any part of the body, including bones, organs, and soft tissues, and can be experienced by people of any age. The danger of cysts can cause various serious complications, even blood poisoning.
There are several types of cysts, most cysts are harmless (benign) or non-cancerous. However, you must be aware of the dangers of cystic disease that generally occurs when benign cysts are not treated immediately. The several types of cysts that are commonly found include ovarian cysts, kidney cysts, ganglion cysts, epidermoid cysts, dermoid cysts, breast cysts, pilonidal cysts, and chalazia cysts that occur in the eyelids. There are several conditions that can cause the formation of cysts such as infection, genetic disorders, chronic inflammation, obstruction of the body's channels, tumors, abnormalities in embryonic development, abnormalities in body cells, injury, and other causes depending on the type of cyst that appears.
Cysts can appear as bumps on the skin or grow in organs. You may not feel it, but cysts can cause several symptoms related to the organs where they grow. For example, ovarian cysts can cause hormonal disorders, and cysts in polycystic kidney disease can affect kidney function. Cysts usually grow slowly and have a smooth surface. Cyst size can be small or very large. Most cysts are painless and cause problems, except infected cysts, large cysts, cysts that compress nerves or blood vessels, and cysts that grow in sensitive areas and affect the function of organs.
It is important for you to be aware of the dangers of cysts. The reason is, benign cysts that are not treated immediately can cause serious complications that can harm your health. As with ovarian cysts, although most are benign, some cases are found to be malignant or can develop into cancer. In addition, ovarian cysts can cause several complications, namely:
- Ovarian torsion. Large cysts can cause the ovary to move out of its normal position in the pelvis. This increases the chance of pain in your ovaries, called ovarian torsion.
- Broken cyst. A ruptured cyst can cause severe pain and cause internal bleeding. The greater the size of the cyst, the higher the risk of rupture.
- Ovarian cysts produced by the condition of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can trigger hormonal disorders, difficulty conceiving, or even infertility (infertility). PCOS that are not treated immediately can also cause diabetes and heart disease.
- Inflammation.
- Ruptured cysts that cause infection, pain, or abscess.
- Discomfort in the genitals, both when having sex or when urinating.
- Skin cancer.
- Cysts that are infected and cause fever and pain around the kidney.
- A ruptured cyst that can trigger severe pain in the back and other body parts.
- Kidney cysts that block urine flow can cause hydronephrosis.
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